How to Get the Most Out of Your 20x25x4 Air Filter

Learn how to get maximum efficiency out of your 20x25x4 air filter by choosing one with a high MERV rating that will capture all types of airborne contaminants.

How to Get the Most Out of Your 20x25x4 Air Filter

The 20x25x4 air filter is an effective way to improve the heating and air conditioning in your home. It is designed to capture a variety of airborne contaminants, from bacteria and smoke to pet dander and other microscopic particles. When homeowners regularly use a 20x25x4 clean air filter, they protect not only the air in their home but also their heating and air conditioning equipment. CR members can also view our comprehensive air filter ratings for HVAC filters, based on extensive laboratory tests.

We have ratings for nearly 70 models in a variety of thicknesses, prices, and performance ratings. Many of the filters we reviewed are available in various width and height configurations, so our recommendations should cover just about any type of forced air system. Most home improvement stores sell climate filters, from MERV 1 to MERV 13, although CR has tested models up to MERV 16. The secret is that they can capture tons of waste using relatively porous filtering material, thanks to the enormous surface area through which dirty air passes, about four times more filter material than a 1-inch filter. If the current filters are perfect, note (or take a picture) of the size printed on the filter frame.

There's nothing unique about these filters that are anti-allergic, and other filters with the same MERV rating should capture allergens just as well. If you can't measure, experts sometimes recommend using a MERV 8 pleated filter as a safe option. Air filters also help keep the furnace's coils and heat exchangers clean, which can extend the life of the oven and keep it running efficiently. However, the air filter is a small and often inexpensive part that makes these heating and cooling systems work properly.

In the MERV 13, the highest rating you'll find for most popular residential HVAC filters, you can count on the filter to stop bacteria, smoke, and other microscopic particles. Getting an exact fit is essential to having an effective air filter; an incorrect size won't fit and will cause the filter to stop working properly. The filter frames are made of beverage cardboard, which remains resistant to moisture and temperatures up to 200°F. However, some filters with mid-range and high-end MERV ratings can cause problems in residential air conditioning systems.

If you have pets, children, or allergy sufferers in your home or business, replace filters more often to maintain higher indoor air quality and keep energy costs down. “They inhale through the ventilation grilles of the house, drawing air through the ducts and through the heating or cooling source (whether the burners of an oven or the coil of an air conditioner or a heat pump). In addition to filter power, the FPR also indicates what type of airborne contaminants are ideal for capturing each filter. Using a 20x25x4 air filter is an effective way to improve your heating and air conditioning system.

It helps protect not only your home's air quality but also your HVAC equipment from damage due to dirt buildup. The 20x25x4 size is available in various thicknesses and performance ratings from MERV 1 to MERV 16. It is important to get an exact fit for your 20x25x4 air filter in order for it to work properly. To get maximum efficiency out of your 20x25x4 air filter, it's important to choose one with a high MERV rating that will capture all types of airborne contaminants. Make sure you get an exact fit for your 20x25x4 air filter so it works properly. If you have pets or allergy sufferers in your home or business, replace filters more often to maintain higher indoor air quality and keep energy costs down.

Ruben Eustace
Ruben Eustace

Infuriatingly humble beer trailblazer. Avid thinker. Amateur twitter practitioner. Unapologetic music expert. Amateur twitter advocate.

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