How Often Should You Change Your Furnace Filter 16x25x4?

As an expert in HVAC systems, I recommend changing furnace filters every 90 days or every three months depending on their thickness. Learn more about when and how often you should change your furnace filter.

How Often Should You Change Your Furnace Filter 16x25x4?

A good rule of thumb is to change 1- to 2-inch filters every three months, 4-inch filters every six months, and 5-inch filters every 12 months. Certainly, if you can't see the filter material itself, you should replace it. As an expert in HVAC systems, I recommend changing furnace filters every 90 days or every three months. However, this depends on the thickness of the filter.

Thicker filters have more room to accumulate dirt and dust, so they don't need to be changed as often. Thomas & Galbraith Heating, Cooling and Plumbing, of Ohio, suggests changing filters that are less than 2 inches thick every 30 to 90 days. Three- or 4-inch filters can last 6 to 9 months, and filters up to 6 inches thick can be replaced once a year. When determining how often you should change your oven filter, you should first know what type of filter you currently have installed.

Air conditioning systems may not have any heating components and therefore do not need an oven filter. Generally speaking, you don't need to change HVAC furnace filters as regularly during the winter months compared to the summer months. If there are no smokers or pets in your house, and your filter is the best-selling filter, with a MERV rating of 4, you should be able to wait up to 90 days before changing it. The oven filter is used to clean the air of contaminants and dust just before air enters the oven system. Install a new filter before restarting the unit, but if you don't already have filters handy, just turn on the air conditioner without it.

Most 16x25x1 oven filters need to be changed after two to three months, but you'll want to replace yours more or less frequently depending on your lifestyle and use. We also offer filters for 5-inch ovens (16x25x5 or 20x25x), whole-house air filter brands, and filters for rigid cell ovens. A Honeywell oven filter will have the same filter replacement recommendations as standard filters. However, if your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system has a single filtration system that uses an air filter for the air conditioning unit and oven, replacements will be less common in winter than in summer. You may not have realized that the furnace filter needs to be changed because not all air conditioning systems need heating, ventilation, and air conditioning filters. Instead of going off the standard schedule, here are some special signs and considerations to help you know when to change an oven's filter. Another advantage of changing filters is that it improves indoor air quality and you won't spend as much on air conditioning or oven repairs.

Without a filter, the oven would stop working fairly quickly because the equipment would be too dirty to work properly. In addition to keeping the air conditioning system free of contaminants, oven filters also help to clean the indoor air you breathe. If you don't change your boiler filter regularly, you could end up with a boiler that doesn't work as efficiently and is likely to have a shorter lifespan.

Ruben Eustace
Ruben Eustace

Infuriatingly humble beer trailblazer. Avid thinker. Amateur twitter practitioner. Unapologetic music expert. Amateur twitter advocate.

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